Mango It is also called the king of fruits. Its botanical name is "Man…
more postGuava The botanical name of guava is Psidium Guajava. It is rich in…
more postPomegranate Its botanical name is Punica Granatum. Pomegranate is a fruit that p…
more postFIG. The botanical name for figs is Ficus Circa. Fresh fi…
more postGrape The botanical name of the grape is Vitis vinifera. Grapes are a cold, invigorating nutritio…
more postGinger The botanical name of ginger is Zanzibar Officinale. Ginger is fragrant and light yellow in …
more postPineapple The botanical name for pineapple is Pineapple Comosus. The raw f…
more postPapaya Its botanical name is Carica papaya. Papaya is a…
more postWatermelon Its botanical name is Citrullus Vulgaris. It contains 90% water. Watermelon is rich in…
more postGrapefruit It belongs to the lemon family. Its botanical name is citrus Decumana Its tree always re…
more postMelon The botanical name of the melon is Cocomiss Melon. Melon fruit is rich in the following sugar…
more postApple The botanical name of the apple is MALUS SYLVESTRIS. Apple is eaten with great relish, and it…
more postCucumber The botanical name of cucumber is CUCUMIS SATIVUS. Chemical elements Cucumbers contain 96.…
more postDate fruit Its botanical name is phoenix sulvestris. Chemical elements Dates contain 1.2% protein,…
more postBanana The botanical name of the banana is Musa Paradisiac. Ripe bananas contain 27% sugar, and m…
more postLemon Its botanical name is Citrus medica. It tastes sour and salty Chemical elements Lemons contai…
more postLadyfinger Ladyfinger is a very nutrit…
more postTomato It is used as a vegetable. It is very beneficial for children, old women, and men and is v…
more postCabbage Its b otanical name is brassica oleracea var.capi…
more postMint It's Commonly used in making mint sauce. Chemical elements Mint contains 83% water, 8% c…
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