What are the Benefits of Garlic


Its botanical name is Illium Sativum.

 What are the Benefits of Garlic 

Garlic is hot, spicy, bitter, Corrects digestion, and expels gas from the stomach, kills stomach worms, relieves stomach pain, strengthens the heart, stimulates the liver, strengthens the body and mind. Giver, nerve stimulant, sweating, diuretic, fever suppressant, sperm-producing, sperm-strengthening, menstruating, swelling-relieving, pain-relieving Heals and cures leprosy patients۔ Garlic enhances eyesight and hearing. Garlic oil is absorbed into the skin and lungs, which stimulates the nerves.                                                          


Eating garlic is good for colds

Sore throat                                                                    

Mixing garlic juice in hot water and gargling is very beneficial.


Giving the patient the equivalent of two teaspoons of garlic juice with milk for two or three days relieves the cough.

Whooping cough

Drink 4 grams of honey and 10 drops of garlic juice four times a day to get rid of whooping cough.


It is very beneficial to feed a patient with pneumonia with a teaspoon of garlic juice and a teaspoon of warm water every four hours.


The patient is given four drops of garlic juice every four hours to reduce the fever.


Boiling 10 cloves of garlic in 300 ml of milk and then feeding the patient benefits the patient. It kills tuberculosis germs. The one who eats garlic does not get tuberculosis. In patients with intestinal tuberculosis, it is beneficial to mix one teaspoon of garlic juice with one teaspoon of water thrice a day.

Mental weakness

Eating garlic or consuming its juice every day does not cause mental weakness


Crushing garlic and sniffing it makes the patient conscious. Boil 10 cloves of garlic in milk and feed it daily for two or three weeks to cure epilepsy.


In case of hysteria, putting three drops of garlic oil in the nose eliminates the hysteria.

Ear pain

After boiling garlic juice and mustard oil and making it lukewarm, putting two or three drops of it in the ear relieve ear pain.


Put 8 cloves of garlic in 60 ml sesame oil and after boiling, when it becomes lukewarm, put three drops of it in each ear, it is useful in deafness.

High blood pressure

Drinking 10 drops of garlic juice mixed with water thrice a day normalizes blood pressure.

Weakness of heart

Eating garlic or using its juice reduces bloating, which in turn reduces pressure on the heart and strengthens the heart. Using garlic or garlic juice protects against heart attack۔


Consumption of ghee and fatty foods increases the amount of cholesterol in the blood. And it narrows the blood vessels. This affects the blood supply to the heart and increases the risk of a heart attack. Garlic lowers cholesterol and thins the blood, which eliminates the risk of heart attacks you grow older; your blood vessels constrict and become narrower in old age. With regular use of garlic, it does not shrink and aging is delayed.

Weakness of sperm

Eating garlic makes the sperm stronger and thicker and also increases its quantity.


Eating 60 grams of garlic fried in cow ghee or chewing 5 cloves of garlic every morning and drinking milk will eliminate impotence in a few days and increase sexual strength.

Painful menstruation

Eating garlic or drinking its juice makes menstruation it starts easier۔


Eating garlic cooked in milk and then drinking milk relieves joint pain or eating raw garlic and then drinking milk relieves joint pain and back pain۔


By heating two cloves of garlic and pressing it in the aching tooth, the toothache disappears.


Grinding 8 cloves of garlic mixed with hot water and gargling is very useful in tonsillitis.


Chewing cloves of garlic stops nausea.


Eating garlic sauce relieves bloating۔

Stomach worms

Eating 5 cloves of garlic mixed with honey every day kills stomach worms in three to four days۔


Grind 4 cloves of garlic for 4 days, mix it with half a cup of milk and eat, and then drink milk later to get rid of jaundice.

Low visibility

For a few days, mix a teaspoon of garlic juice in water and drink it three times a day to improve eyesight.


A tablespoon of garlic juice mixed with syrup and given to the patient after three hours is very useful in typhoid.


When there is swelling on the feet or all over the body, using garlic or its juice eliminates the swelling.

Breaking a bone

The use of garlic in bone fractures is helpful in binding bones.

Loosening of the breasts

Eating 4 cloves of garlic daily removes the looseness of the breasts, and they become erect.


Apply garlic juice on the affected area and let it dry. Doing this thrice a day for a few weeks will help the hair to grow on the bald spot.


 Grind 3 garlic cloves and mix it with lemon juice.  At night while sleeping apply it on the scalp. Protect your eyes. And wash your head with soap in the morning. In this way, lice will be eliminated in two to three days.

Poisonous insect bites

Applying garlic juice on the bitten area eliminates the effect of poison


Placing garlic in a house where there is a risk of snake bites will not cause snake bites۔


Excessive use of garlic causes vomiting, diarrhea, and headache. Sometimes it can be very dangerous.

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