What are the benefits of Radish


Its botanical name is Raphanus satvus. It is eaten raw, in salads, and is also used as a vegetable.

Chemical elements

Radish contains elements like Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Sodium, Phosphorus, Iodine, Sulfur, Silicon, Chlorine, and Fluorine. Radish is rich in Vitamins A, B, C.

  What are the benefits of Radish?

Radish is easily digested, relieves constipation, expels air from the stomach, increases appetite, is useful in diseases of the liver and jaundice, prevents the growth of the spleen, is useful in diseases of the stomach, kills stomach worms. Yes, it strengthens the heart, makes urination easier, breaks down liver and bladder stones, is beneficial in kidney and skin diseases, stimulates the body, and improves eyesight. ۔

Therapeutic use          

Indigestion, bad taste, chronic constipation, and gas 

 eating radish pieces with lemon juice twice a day for a few days, the food starts to digest, constipation disappears, flatulence disappears and appetite starts.

Stomach pain

Add a pinch of salt and pepper in a cup of radish juice and drink it to get rid of stomach aches.

Liver failure and jaundice

Adding 30 grams of sugar in the juice of 125 ml of radish leaves and drinking it twice a day in a few days will cure jaundice in the liver.

Spleen enlargement

Putting pieces of radish in vinegar and eating it three times for two weeks, the spleen returns to its original state.

Stomach worms

For three days in the morning and evening, mix a pinch of salt in radish juice and drink it to get rid of stomach worms.


After gargling with a tablespoon of radish juice in a glass of water and drinking a cup of radish juice, pyorrhea disappears in a few days.

Tooth decay or tooth moving

Drinking radish juice because it contains a high amount of calcium strengthens the teeth۔


Eating a few radishes leaves stop hiccups۔

Sore throat

Heat half a glass of water, add radish juice and salt and gargle to get rid of sore throat.


Due to the high amount of magnesium in radish, adding lemon juice to radish makes the body active.

Weakness of heart

Radish is high in potassium, so using it gives strength to the heart.

Memory impairment

Phosphorus deficiency weakens memory. Radish has high levels of phosphorus, so using radish improves memory.

Bladder and kidney stones

Boil 30 or 40 grams of radish seeds in half a liter of water and when half of the water is left, drinking it removes kidney and bladder stones. Drinking radish juice does not produce pancreatic stones, which are called Gall stones.


Discharge of semen with urine Half a cup of radish juice with 20 drops of lemon juice can cure this disease.

Menstrual obstruction

Mixing 2 grams of radish seed powder in water and drinking it in the morning and evening removes the obstruction of menstruation.

Muscle pain                                                      

Radish eaters do not have muscle pain                                


 Add 20 drops of ginger juice in a cup of radish juice and drink it to get rid of joint pain in a few days.

The sound of bones

 When getting up, sitting, moving arms up and down, shoulders, knees, sound coming from the bones. After drinking radish juice for a few days, the sounds of bones stop coming.


Drinking radish juice mixed with ginger and lemon juice in the morning is beneficial in this disease.

High blood pressure

Eating a radish every day or drinking radish juice in the morning and evening lowers blood pressure and returns to normal.

Low visibility

Due to the high content of Vitamin A in radish, regular consumption of radish leaves improves eyesight.

Blemishes and spots on the face

Potassium deficiency causes blemishes on the face. Drinking the juice of radish and its leaves for a week removes blemishes on the face.

 Hair loss

Lack of phosphorus causes hair loss. Eating radish and its leaves without peeling radish stops hair loss.


Wash the hair thoroughly and when it is dry, apply radish juice well and let it dry. And after washing the hair, all the lice will die۔

Scorpion bite

Cut a round flat piece in the middle of the radish, put salt on it and apply it to the scorpion's bitten area and repeat the same process for a while۔The scorpion's venom is eliminated and the pain is also eliminated۔

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